Once you have reached your second trimester, you can safely have a pregnancy massage to help ease the aches and pains and other symptoms that occur as your pregnancy progresses.
The massage is done with you in a comfortable, side-lying position with support as needed to make sure you are comfortable and able to get the full benefits of the massage.
At the start of your appointment we'll check in to see what symptoms you are experiencing and what you would like to get out of the pregnancy massage treatment. It may be to ease some aches and pains, or to relax and just have some 'me time'. The treatment will be tailored to your individual needs, focusing on the areas that you choose.
Many women find it beneficial to have regular treatments throughout their pregnancy, and we can combine pregnancy and acupuncture to suit whatever is happening for you at each stage.
60 minute pregnancy massage treatments are £75, or you can take advantage of a longer 90minute session for £90.
Flexible appointment times are available, call or email to organise your appointment today.
I had to let you know how great the accupunture has been for me! I still can't believe it!
I had to let you know how great the accupunture has been for me! I still can't believe it!
Literally the next day my vomiting stopped. I was able to travel without any nausea at all!
The sickness has also stayed away. I'm a little more nauseous than I was on the first few days, but the actual being sick has not come back.
I'm thinking it must be the accupunture right?!
Thank you so much for your help! You pretty much saved my trip and gave me a great break from feeling absolutely awful.
Thank you again,
You really did make a difference
I spoke about you, your acupuncture, and massage yesterday. I don't think I was aware how much of a relief it was to have a strong back in my pregnancy until I talked about it yesterday.
Thank you so much. For your patience and kindness. And wonderful skill. You really did make a difference in how I experienced pregnancy.
I need to book a Session with you soon!